AlwaysGetNewestTrainingVersion Setting

You can use this setting to determine whether users should see any changes to assigned training content made between the time they are assigned training and the time they begin their training.

  • Default setting: Disabled
Consider the scenario below.
  1. An administrator assigns training to Users A and B on Monday.
  2. On Tuesday, User A begins his training.
  3. On Wednesday, the administrator realizes that there is a mistake on one of the assigned training slides and makes the correction.
  4. User B begins his training on Thursday. In this case, the below occurs.
    • If you have not enabled this setting, User B does not see the correction the administrator has made. When he begins his training on Thursday, he sees the training that was available on Monday when the administrator made the assignments. Users A and B both see the same training content.
    • If you have enabled this setting, User B can see the correction the administrator has made because he sees the training content available at the time when he starts his assignment.
Contact PureSafety support to enable it if you want trainees to see any changes made to training content between the time training is assigned and the time trainees begin their assignment.
Note: Warning: If you choose to enable this setting, make sure that all administrators who can modify training content are aware of this change. If administrators make significant changes to training content, such as to presentations and test questions, trainees who have already started their training before these changes are made will NOT see them. Different trainees may see different content based on when they start their assignments.