Methods for Transferring External Data into PureSafety

Your organization may use a human resources information system (HRIS), payroll system, or another system to track employees who are actively working, on leave, or released (terminated or retired) and their demographic information. PureSafety customers can use two methods to import employee demographic information from one of these systems into the PureSafety system.

The two methods are listed below.
  • Import functionality available in PureSafety
  • Employee Web Services
This section outlines the benefits of each method and additional details you should consider when deciding which method to use. Both methods produce similar results.
  • They create employee records automatically in PureSafety hierarchy based on data received from the customer’s system.
  • They record whether employees are active or inactive.
  • They update demographic information in PureSafety with data from the customer’s system.
  • They create user names and passwords.
  • They can assign employees to organization units and groups.

Import Functionality

  • UL EHS Sustainability provides templates you can use to easily generate import files from your employee management system. You can also generate these files manually, as needed.
  • You do not need to do any additional development.
  • Employee information can be updated frequently. You can upload files multiple times a day, as needed.
  • Imports update employee information at regular intervals, as set by customers. Imports do not update this information in real time.
  • You have to provide import files on a regular basis, such as nightly, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. If your employee management system cannot generate import files automatically, you need to create and update import files manually.
  • You have to upload import files manually in PureSafety. This process is not automated. You can upload import files whenever you need to make updates. This is an ongoing task.

For more information about imports in PureSafety, see the PureSafety Imports Guide.

Employee Web Services

  • Employee information is updated in real time. If a customer’s HR staff adds a new employee in their HRIS or inactivates an employee who is leaving the company, that information is instantly reflected in PureSafety.
  • The Employee Web Services can delete employee records that have not been active in PureSafety.
  • No ongoing maintenance is necessary.
  • You need to make sure that you can extract employee data from your HR system.
  • Initially, you have to commit some time for the development of a client application that will communicate with PureSafety’s Employee Web Services.