Report Legend

This topic describes the symbols used in the Safety Scorecard.

As you review the Safety Scorecard, you will see the following symbols:

Symbol Description

/ (Forward slash)

Used to indicate averages. For example, the Average LWD/Injury metric represents how many lost work days occurred per injury.

: (Colon)

Used to compare different items. For example, the Observation : Injury metric represents the number of observations compared to the total number of injuries recorded during the same period.

| (Pipe)

Used to indicate how many records are completed in IMS. For example, the Submissions Find | Fix Rate metric represents the total number of submissions entered compared to the total number of submission that have been resolved.

IMS Scorecard green indicator (Green indicator) IMS Scorecard red indicator (Red indicator)

Some metrics display a green IMS Scorecard green indicator or red IMS Scorecard red indicator indicator to show how your organization is doing in that area compared to the previous period. The green indicator indicates that your organization is doing better than the previous time period. The red indicator indicates that your organization is going worse than in the previous time period.

For example, if you have fewer employees on LWD than last year, then you see a green indicator next to the Employees on LWD metric in the Loss Statistics section.

If you run the report for the month of March, the report displays green or red indicators if your organization is doing better or worse in that regard than it did during the month of February. For example, if you have more injuries in March than you did in February, then you see a red indicator next to the Injury Events metric in the Loss Statistics section.