
The Headline in the Safety Scorecard report displays important metrics about the current state of your organization's safety. You can see at a glance if there have been any recent injuries and how well your team is following up on prior incidents.

Safety Scorecard Report: Headline

Metric Type Description Calculation Method Drill-Down

Days Since Last Recordable Injury

Lagging indicator

This number shows how long it's been since the last recordable injury (until today). We placed this metric at the very beginning of the report for a reason! This is the bottom line. A high number in this metric suggests that your team is successfully following processes you have established to prevent incidents, such as a strong training program, excellent management, and effective accountability.

Note: This metric does not depend on the value in the Date Range parameter on the report. It displays the number of days since the last recordable incident as of the current date when the report is run.


Corrective Action Completion Percentage

Leading indicator

This is the percentage of all corrective actions that have been resolved.

Percentage of tasks flagged as corrective actions that have a Closed status.


Investigation Completion Percentage

Leading indicator

This is the percentage of all current investigations that have been completed.

Percentage of tasks of the Investigation type that also have a Closed status.


Incidents Resulting in Training

Lagging indicator

This is the percentage of all the incidents at your organization that resulted in training. This metric shows how likely your team is to assign training after an incident.

Percentage of the total number of submissions that are not linked to an event and the total number of events that were associated with a training assignment task.


Training Completion Percentage

Leading indicator

This percentage shows you how quickly employees take training that's assigned as a follow-up task.

Percentage of training assignment tasks created from submissions or events that have been completed.
