Password settings setup

Password settings include the minimum password requirement and password expiration time limit for all users. The screen also includes the change log that identifies who made changes to the password, what changes were made, and when the changes were made.

Minimum Requirements

Settings > System Settings > Passwords
A Low level password must be at least eight (8) characters and contain any two (2) of the following:
  • One letter
  • One number
  • One symbol
A High level password must be at least eight (8) characters and contain all of the following:
  • One lowercase letter
  • One uppercase letter
  • One number
  • One symbol
Note: Symbols may be spaces, punctuation, or characters such as #@*!-% (non-alphabetic characters on your keyboard).
The table below provides examples of easy-to-remember passwords that meet the minimum requirements.
Example Type Sample "Low" passwords Sample "High" passwords
A short sentence (with punctuation) or phrase


mom is 92

number 9


I am 48.

Mom is 92!

Number 9


Dog's name and year


Rover 2012

Dog's name and year without spaces



The minimum password requirement is set to Low by default. If the password strength is set to Low for all users, certain permissions granted to a user through a security role may raise the minimum password requirement for that user. Permissions that require a High level of password strength are noted with a "Requires high password" message in red following the permission description on the Security Roles window.

Password Expiration

This setting sets periodic user password expiration and the number of days until user passwords must be reset.

User passwords will never expire if the check box is left unchecked. Typing 0 into the text field also sets user passwords to never expire.

If the check box is checked, the number of days until expiration is 180 days, by default. Administrators can type a number of days, 0 to 999, in the text field. Users are prompted to reset their passwords after the specified time period.

Change Log

The change log is ordered in reverse chronological order and identifies who made a change to the settings on this page, the change that was made, and the date and time of the change.

Account Lockout

Contact PureSafety Technical Support to modify the number of incorrect password attempts or lockout duration for account lockouts. The default number of incorrect password attempts is five with an option of three. The default lockout time duration is five minutes with options of 15, 30, and 60 minutes.