Creating Custom Classifications

Employees select classifications when they are submitting an incident report or Supervisor Report or when they create an event. Classifications help define the type of issue involved in the submission. You can customize the list of classifications that is presented to users when submitting observations and creating events. This gives you the ability to implement classifications that more accurately reflect the needs of the organization.

Settings > IMS Settings Classifications

Classifications table

Create Custom Classification

You can use the Create button to open a pop-up window. On this window, you can add a custom classification. The Active check box is checked by default. If you plan to create a new set of classifications, you can uncheck the Active check box as you add them. You can later use the Active heading on the Classifications list to activate them one page at a time instead of individually.

Create Classifications

Modify Custom Classifications

You can use the Edit button above the grid headings to modify a selected classification. Standard classifications cannot be modified, but you can make them inactive by unchecking the Active check box. This removes them from the list of classifications on incident and events screens.
Note: Name changes are reflected throughout the system including reports and incidents and events that have used the classification.

Delete Custom Classifications

You can use the Delete button above the grid headings to delete a selected classification. Standard classifications cannot be deleted. However, you can make them inactive by unchecking the Active check box. This removes them from the list of classifications on incident and events screens.
Note: Custom classifications cannot be deleted if they were selected in an incident or event. Consider making these inactive.

Security Permissions

An IMS security permission provides control over the Classification table. Permission is assigned to the IMS Administrator by default. This permission is available only if you have licensed IMS.
  • Manage Classifications