Generate the Web Service Stub and Place in Client Application

Contact PureSafety Customer Support to request the credentials that allow your application to access the PureSafety employee web service before completing the following steps.

Once you have the credentials, you will need a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file in order to access the Employee Web Services. The WSDL defines the Web service that is available to your organization. The client application uses the WSDL to generate an API that accesses the Employee Web Services.

  1. Generate the stub by going here: .
    A username and password is not needed when generating the stub through the URL.
  2. Import the stub into your development platform.
    With most development platforms, you can reference the WSDL. This allows the development environment to generate the necessary stub used to build client Web service applications in that environment.
    Note: You can use any tool you wish to generate stubs from a WSDL.