Move Employees From One Group to Another

Employees can belong to multiple groups. You can also copy employees from one group to another. They must be removed manually from the first group if they should no longer belong to that group.

  1. Go to the PureSafety tab > People.
  2. In the organization hierarchy, expand the Groups folder.
  3. Select the group that the employee you want to move is currently a part of.
  4. Select the employee you want to move to another group. You can select more than one employee at the same time by pressing the CTRL key on your keyboard and selecting multiple employees in the list. You can select a group of employees by pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard and clicking the first and then the last employee in the list you want to select.
  5. Drag and drop the employees to the second group where you want to add them.
  6. If the employee has assignments with a status of In-Progress, Overdue, or Not Started, that were received through the group from which you are removing the person, then the system displays the Process Pending Assignments message. This allows you to select how you want to handle those assignments:

    Process Pending assignments message box

Selecting the option on the Basic tab on the Process Pending Assignments message box will apply the same action to all associated training assignments. Click the Advanced tab to see the individual assignments and apply a different action to one or more of the assignments.
  • You can keep these training assignments. Note: Since the newly-assigned group does not have the training set assigned, using the Keep option will assign the training directly to the trainee rather than due to being a member of the new group.
  • You can excuse or complete these assignments. If you select this option, the system allows you to excuse or complete all assignments at once or to make a decision about each one individually. You can select the Send Notifications check box to send the employee an e-mail notification about these changes.

The message box displays any time an administrator moves a trainee from a group that is assigned a training set to a new group without that same training assignment.


When you move an employee from one group to another, the system adds the employee to the second group. It does NOT automatically remove the employee from the first group. Employees can belong to multiple groups at the same time.

If you don't want the employee to display in the first group, you must manually remove him from the first group.