Create and Edit Website Training

You can edit a website by opening the training and clicking Edit in the Actions menu. Type the new website URL.

Create a website screen

  1. Go to the PureSafety tab > Library.
  2. Click Create Training in the Left Panel.
  3. Click Website in the Reference External Resources section.
  4. Type the information below on the Create Website screen.
    • Title (required)
    • Description
    • Website URL (required)
  5. Click Create to save the Website training.

External videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and Viddler are embedded into the training. This allow trainees to stay in PureSafety while diminishing distractions such as suggested videos, search, etc.

When you preview the training in the library, the video still opens in a new window. When you view the assignment containing the URL-type training, it displays the embedded video.

The URL must be in a recognized format in order to properly embed these external videos. The table below provides the URL format examples for each site. It also provides the best practice for capturing the URL.
External Site URL Format Example Best Practice


Click Share and copy provided URL.


Copy the video URL from the site.


Copy the video URL from the site.