Upload and Edit Third-Party Training

This task includes instructions for uploading third-party training content into PureSafety. This applies only to customers who license training from other companies and upload third-party training into PureSafety.

You can upload SCORM or AICC training content.

You can edit third-party training by selecting the training and clicking Edit in the Actions menu.

Note: There is an 1 GB limit for third-party training content you can upload into PureSafety.
  1. Go to the PureSafety tab and click Library.
  2. In the Left Panel, click Create Training.
  3. In the Reference External Resources section, click Third-Party Content.
  4. On the Upload Third Party Content screen, complete the steps below as needed.
    1. Click Browse to navigate to the file location.
    2. A title will be uploaded into the Title field, edit as necessary.
    3. Provide the estimated time (in minutes) to complete the training in the Estimated Time field. This is an optional field.
    4. A version number will be uploaded in the Version field, (optional), edit as needed.
    5. Type a description of the training in the Description field. This is an optional field.
  5. Click Create.