Create an Event from the Events Screen

  1. Go to the PureSafety tab > IMS > Event screen.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Provide the following information on the Create Event screen.
    1. Type a title describing the event. This is a required field.
    2. Select the event type in the Type field. The options are Observation, Near Miss, or With Loss. This data is used for reporting.
    3. Indicate the severity of this event and its recurrence probability by moving each indicator slider button in the Risk section. Click and hold the mouse pointer over a slider button to display a list of levels and descriptions. Sliding the button highlights a level. Releasing the mouse button selects the highlighted level. In the Losses section, indicate if an injury, illness, spill, or property/equipment damage occurred by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
    4. Assign the event to a specific employee using the Assigned To field. This individual becomes the owner of the event and is responsible for ensuring that all the necessary follow-up actions are completed.
    5. The Status field displays initially as Open and cannot be changed during the create event process.
    6. Type a description. This is a required field.
    7. Specify owners who are responsible for signing off on the event and it has been resolved. By default, the system adds you, the event creator, as an owner. You can delete your name from this list after you assign the event to another owner.
  4. Click Create when you are done.