Assign Follow-Up Tasks

Operators typically assign specific tasks to other employees to follow up on an incident. For example, if a spill is reported, you can assign a task to have someone clean it up. If safety actions were not followed, you can assign a task to have employees go through training again.

For more information about the types of tasks you can create, see the Task topic.

  1. Go to the PureSafety tab > IMS > News Feed.
  2. Select an observation on the News Feed.
  3. Click the Assign Task button on the observation record toolbar.
  4. Provide the informatin below on the Create Task window.
    1. Type a title describing the task in the Title field. This is a required field.
    2. Select the type of task you are assigning in the Type field. The type options are General Purpose, Assign Training, Create Injury Record, Investigation, and Maintenance. For more information about the types of tasks you can create, see the Task topic.
      • When you assign a training task, you have the option to create the training assignment for a user or, if you do not have security to create training assignments, to ask another employee, such as your supervisor, to create the training assignment.
      • When you create the training assignment directly, the task has a Completed status from the beginning because you assign training when you create the task.
    3. Check the Corrective Action box if the task represents a corrective action.
    4. Check the Urgent box if the task is urgent.
    5. Indicate who is responsible for completing the task in the Assigned To field. This is a required field.
    6. Type a due date. This is a required field.
    7. If another employee should verify that the task has been completed as expected, enter his name in the Verify Completion By field. When the task assignee completes the task, the system creates a verification assignment for this user and the assignment displays on the user’s home page.
    8. Type instructions for the task assignee on the Instructions tab. This is a required field.
    9. Attach any files with additional details on the Attachments tab.
    10. Add tags to help you better report on this task on the Tags tab.
  5. Click Save when you are done.
Note: Assignees must have the minimum security role of IMS worker in order for the assigned task to display on the their home page. Otherwise, the task will not display.