
Workflows in the Incident Management System (IMS) vary depending on a person's role, the type of incident, and the type of follow-up required by your organization's handling of an incident or observation.

Examples on the following pages describe typical workflows for the three IMS incident types: Safety Hazard, Near Miss, and Injury/Accident.

The table beneath each workflow displays more information about each step. Depending on the incident, you may not complete every task. For example, an incident may only require that a maintenance task be assigned.

Tasks can be dependent on previous tasks or may be done any time throughout the process. For example, you must add an event before adding causal factors.


Non-supervisory employees who need to report an incident use only two workflows:


Supervisors use two workflows for reporting incidents:

Appropriate permissions are required for supervisors to complete the tasks that begin with reviewing an incident and end with concluding and resolving the event.

You can complete most workflows outside the sequence shown. For example, you can assign investigations before reporting losses. Others need specific order such as creating an event before other workflows that reference the event. Best practice is to follow the order shown above.

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