
Event records pull together related information, such as incident reports, injuries, and tasks that resulted from the same issue. For example, a supervisor creates an event record for a spill and links it to relevant incident reports and follow-up tasks.

Event Screen

Below are descriptions of each screen in an event record.

  • The Summary screen includes basic data about the event.
    • Details tab. Displays the type of event, its location, date and time, description, owners, and any related incidents.
    • Forms tab. Displays all the forms that have been submitted for this event (supervisor report, affected party form, incident form, or a custom form). It also allows you to add forms that have already been completed by a user and link them to the event.
    • History tab. Displays the actions that have occurred in this record, such as who created or edited it. You can use the Filter By Type check boxes to restrict the list, for example, only edits or only changes related to injury records. You can see the same information in a calendar view by clicking the Timeline option in the View field. This view shows how your Safety team acted to follow up on an event and if there was a longer lag than expected between certain actions.
  • The Losses screen lists all the injuries associated with an event. Users can perform several actions on this screen:
    • Create, edit, and delete injury records.
    • Remove an associated injury from the event.
    • Add an existing injury record to the event. When you use this option, the system allows you to select from a list of injury records that have not been linked to any event.
  • The Actions and Investigations screen lists all the tasks created to follow up on this event and the incidents related to the event.
  • The Causal Analysis screen lists all the causal factors that lead to this event. You can add causal factors and corrective actions from this screen, and link them, if appropriate. Safety supervisors provide this information after they have completed their investigation.
    Note: The Causal Analysis text field is limited to 1000 characters. We suggest typing a short summary in this field and attaching a word document with the full text if you need to add more information.
  • The Corrective Actions screen lists all the corrective actions created for this event. You can create corrective actions from this screen and, if appropriate, link them to causal factors.
  • The Conclusion screen provides fields to answer Risk Analysis Questions, a comprehensive list of all the actions on an event, related tasks, and subsequent corrective actions. It also includes the owner sign-off section, where owners can also type resolution notes.

Actions Menu

The options in the Actions menu allow you complete other actions related to the record as well as navigate to associated records. You may see some, all, or none of these options based on your permissions.

  • Create Incident Flash. Opens the Create a New Incident Flash screen. See the section below for more information.
  • Delete. Deletes the event after your confirmation. The event is no longer available.
  • Print Event. Downloads the event into as an RTF. You can edit the event details, as needed.

Incident Flash Option

The Create Incident Flash option is available from the Actions drop-down on any page of an event. Incident Alerts are efficient ways to relay updates about an event, look back at an event and document conclusions, and use real events as the basis for training. Read the Understanding Incident Flash topic for more information about this tool.