
A task assigns a specific action to an individual who has to complete it within a given period of time. Operators usually create tasks from an incident report or an event and assign them to other employees. Tasks display on assignees’ home pages once they are assigned.

Go to PureSafety tab > IMS > Tasks to see a list of assigned tasks. You can filter the list by task type, start date, due date, and status.

A unique icon helps them see quickly what type of task they have been assigned. The table below describes the types of tasks you can create in IMS.

Icon Task Type Description
General Task Icon

General Purpose

A general purpose tasks requires users to complete a specific task, such as cleaning up after a spill.

Assign Training Icon

Assign Training

You are presented with two options when you select an Assign Training task. The options are described below.

  • Assign Training Directly which allows you to assign specific training courses from PureSafety library to individuals or groups. As a result, the system creates a new training assignment, which displays in trainees’ assignment list.
  • Create Task to Assign Training which requires another individual to assign training. You might want to do this if you do not have permission to assign training.
Create Injury Record Icon

Create Injury Record

A create injury record tasks requires an assignee to create an injury record for an injury related to the reported incident.

Investigation Icon


An investigation task requires an assignee to investigate the reported incident.

You must choose the type of investigation that the assigned employee must complete as they record information about the incident. IMS includes several standard investigation forms and also allows you to create custom forms.

For more details about each, see the Investigation Forms section below.

  • Incident. This form must be filled out by other employees who witnessed the incident.
  • Supervisor Report. This form must be filled out by the injured employee’s supervisor or a member of the Safety team.
  • Affected Party Form. This form must be filled out by the injured worker.
  • Custom. You can assign users a custom form if you have created IMS custom forms. To create a custom form, see the Create a Custom Investigation Form topic below.
Maintenance Icon


A maintenance task requires an assignee to complete a maintenance task.

You can monitor tasks using statuses. The statuses are described below.

Icon Status Description
Not Started Icon

Not Started

A user created and assigned the task.

In Progress Icon

In Progress

The assignee opened or accepted the task.

Pending Verification Icon

Pending Verification

The assignee indicated that he has completed the task, but the verifier has not checked it yet. This applies only if the task owner assigned a third individual to verify that the task was completed.

Verification Failed Icon

Verification Failed

This status indicates the verifier failed the assignee’s attempt at completing the task.

Completed Icon


The status indicates that the task is complete, including verification if it was required.