Export a Report

You can export a report's results. You can print the report or save the report as a PDF, Excel, or Data file.

  • PDF. This option exports and displays the results of the report in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF).
  • Excel. This option exports and displays the results of the report formatted in a Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheet. Once the report is in an Excel file, you can delete columns, change column order, and filter or sort the data as needed.
  • Data. This option exports the report data and displays a pure “data dump”, that is, an unformatted report containing data in a Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheet without any graphs or charts.
  • CSV. This option is available only for the OSHA 300A report and exports the report data into a format that can be used for electronic submission required by OSHA.
    Note: See the OSHA 300A help topic for more information.
Note: You must use Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher to view reports saved in the Excel or Data formats. If you are using an older version of Excel, you can download a compatiblity pack from Microsoft to view the saved report.

To see a complete list of available reports and their descriptions, see the Review Available Reports topic.

  1. Click the PureSafety tab and click Reports.
  2. Select the desired report.
  3. Click Run Report.
  4. Set parameters.
  5. Click Run.
  6. Select one of the available export options.

    Exporting a report