Create an Incident Flash

You can use incident flashes to notify others about an event. You can also provide updates and relay information about the conclusions. You can also use incident alerts to leverage the experience of actual events to educate others by creating training that is "close to home."

  1. Go to the PureSafety tab > IMS > Event screen.
  2. Select an event and click Open.
  3. Click the Actions and select Create Incident Flash.
  4. Select the type of incident alert you want to create from the Template drop-down.
    The Title field populates with the title of the Event.
  5. Change the title if you want to make the title more relevant to the incident alert type you selected.
  6. Type information in the Description field.
  7. Click Create.
    The system displays a message box as it generates the incident alert by incorporating content from the event into the selected template. The alert opens in the Library.
  8. Select one of the options from the Actions menu based on how you wish to proceed.
    • Preview allows you see how the event details were incorporated into the template.
    • Use Assign as you would with any training that you want to display on a user's home page. This allows you to send recipients updates when using the Notification and Update template.
    • Edit Presentation opens the alert in the CCS where you can add, edit, and delete components.
    • Selecting Properties displays the Training Properties where you can make changes, as needed. Note: The Incident Alert check box is automatically checked. When checked, only users with permission to view incident alerts in the Library can see this alert.
    • Copy, Download, and Delete perform the respective actions.

See the Understanding Incident Flash topic for more information.